Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fertilizer Subsidy System in India may undergo Changes

Government gives fertilizer subsidies directly to companies who produce fertilizers. These companies get almost 60% subsidy from government. Here the subsidy is distributed right at the top of distribution chain. The companies get the subsidy amount as soon as goods are dispatched to wholesalers. So the chain forms like this.

                                                  Company (Subsidy point)
Proposed System  (THREE PHASES)
Subsidy point-(Companies)
In this phase which started at January 1,2012,fertilizer ministry tracks every kg of fertilizer till it is eventually sold. Wholesalers and retailers need to submit the data of sales made everyday .So in this phase government want to maintain daily data of sales done. Government will pay 95%of subsidy upfront to company but 5% of subsidy to company will be payed only after it receives SMS/Internet  the confirmation from retailers on having received the stock.

Company (95% subsidy paid upfront after SMS is received from wholesaler and retailer remaining 5%paid)

Subsidy point-(Retailer/wholesaler)
In this phase which may start from june,2012 wholesalers and retailers will buy fertilizers at unsubsidized rates.Than they will inform the government about their purchases, either online or through SMS and than government will deposit the subsidy in their bank account.But without credit wholesalers and retailers  require thrice as much working capital buy the same stock. So the volume of purchase of fertilizers by retailers and wholesalers may decrease.
                                            Company (Subsidy point)
                                                        ↓   (subsidy point is both at retailer and wholesaler)

Subsidy point-farmers
In this phase which is targeted at 2014 and is contingent on all farmers getting AADHAR number. Than subsidy will be directly transferred to saving accounts of farmers.
                                                  Farmer ( point is farmers where money directly transferred in SAVINGS ACCOUNT through AADHAR CARD )